Saltwater aquariums are the most sensitive and delicate aquariums that can be maintained. Saltwater aquariums resemble the oceanic environment for saltwater fish. Unlike freshwater fish, saltwater fish are very sensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations.
Saltwater aquariums need to be larger than fresh water aquariums, because saltwater fish require more space than freshwater fish do. A saltwater aquarium can get overloaded with just a few saltwater fish in it. Larger tanks also avoid sudden fluctuations in aquariums temperatures. For example, if the heater in aquarium fails to work, the temperature would reduce very gradually in large aquariums when compared to smaller tanks. Large saltwater aquariums also help to maintain the pH balances and nutrient levels in the water. Any kind of fluctuations or sudden variations can make saltwater fish ill.
The various things that are to be maintained in saltwater aquariums are pH, alkalinity, nitrites, and temperature. The alkalinity content in saltwater aquariums should be around 3.0 and the nitrate levels should be less than 20ppm for saltwater fish. Temperature is the most important criteria for any saltwater aquarium, and it is to be maintained constantly around 77:%$deg;F.
Some instances:
Saltwater aquariums are more difficult to set up than freshwater aquariums, but once saltwater aquariums are set up properly, they make good ecosystems and can maintain themselves.
Saltwater fish need extra care and more space than their freshwater counterparts, who thrive in smaller water bodies. Hence, the latter can adjust to small mistakes in temperature and salinity, but the former cannot.
Since great care is to be taken to maintain saltwater aquariums, many first time aquarium keepers start by having a freshwater aquarium and learn the basic rules and maintenance methods of an aquarium before going in for saltwater aquariums.
It is also important to select the right kind of fish for saltwater aquariums, because freshwater fish cannot survive in saltwater.